Office for Clinical Affairs

USA Drive North entrance facade


Welcome to the University of South Alabama College of Nursing Office for Clinical Affairs website The Office for Clinical Affairs is responsible for regulatory and compliance oversight for clinical experiences.  On this site you can find information regarding the Clinical Affairs Placement Site (CAPS), student health and physical requirements, clinical placements and the preceptor portal.

To contact Clinical Affairs, email:

Prospective Preceptor Survey

If you are interested in precepting for the college of Nursing, please complete this short survey.

You are required to have one year of experience to become a preceptor to future students.   If you have less than one year of experience, we will keep your name on file and contact you at a future date


▼   Where are the Affiliation and Pending lists?

Current students and faculty will need to log into Clinical Affairs Placement Site (CAPS) and click on “Resources” for both lists.

▼   I need a letter of good standing or attestation for my clinical site. Who should I contact?

Please contact your clinical faculty who in turn, will request the info from the DCA.

▼   How do I log into CAPS?

See the CAPS tab. Please watch the video located under the CAPS tab for instructions